Book Review: Blackwater Falls

Title: Blackwater Falls
Author: Ausma Zehanat Khan
Genre: mystery
Publisher: Minotaur books
Publication date: November 8, 2022
Rating: 4 stars

Inaya Rahman is a detective with the Community Response team who is investigating a corrupt, racist Sheriff in Blackwater. When a young Muslim girl is found dead, Inaya and her colleagues investigate to find out who killed the victim and why?

This book started a little slow and the writing a bit scattered, but after about a quarter of the book it found it’s rhythm and I got super invested. I really liked the real perspective of lack of diversity in law enforcement and the harassment women of colour face on the daily. This book was real, hard hitting, and heavy at times, but still kept me guessing at who was the killer.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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