Book Review: A Broken Blade

Title: A Broken Blade
Author: Melissa Blair
Publisher: Union Square Publishing
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Keera is the King’s Blade tasked with the quest to find the Shadow, who is a threat to the throne. When Keera realizes that things are more complicated than she thought, she looks for answers and for a way to complete her quest. Will she be able to complete her quest or will the Shadow alter her plans?

I really liked this debut novel. It was engaging, the characters were well fleshed out, the pace was good, and by the end I found myself wanting to read more. I am glad this book in the first in a saga. If you like high fantasy books with a morally grey main character and the ultimate quest trope, pick this one up.

Thanks to Manda Group and Union Square Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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