Book Review: Spells for Forgetting

Title: Spells for Forgetting
Author: Adrienne Young
Publisher: Penguin Random House Canada
Publication date: September 2022
Genre: Mystery, magical realism, romance
Rating: 4.25/5 stars

On the island of Saoirse, when Emery Blackwood and August Salt were teenagers, their friend Lily Morgan was killed. Everyone except Emery believed August killed Lily, so August and his mom left the island for a fresh start. However, when August’s mom dies, she leaves wishes to be buried on the island, and August must return and face a familiar world whether he wants to or not.

This is Adrienne Young’s adult debut novel and while it was different from her previous books, I thoroughly enjoyed it and think it was a very strong book. It was a bit slow in the first third of the book, but it speeds up part way through and gets really suspenseful. It is told in multiple POV, and while I think there were too many POVs, it did help to build suspense and set the tone. If you liked the Nature of Witches or Wild is the Witch, I think you would like Spells for Forgetting.

Thanks to Penguin Random House Canada for the gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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